This was an okay reread, but nothing special. But at the same time Romance, in the person of swoon-making movie star Mitch Hilsten, long one of Charlie's fantasy heros, offers unusual opportunities for diversion from daughterly duty. Thus, Charlie's problem is how to get her mother out of jail.and herself out of Utah and back to work negotiating deals that don't involve capital crimes.

So when he turns up quite seriously dead, the local sheriff is more than willing to take Edwina at her word: the delicate desert ecosystem is far more valuable than any single human life. And schlock horror film director Gordon Cabot, with his brutal disregard for the plants and creatures currently serving as background for his costly special effects, certainly fulfills her definition. A biologist whose area of specialization is rats, Edwina has no patience whatsoever with the two-legged variety. Still a Hollywood literary agent and still a beleaguered single mom, she's also still at war with her own mother, Edwina, who just happens to be an already volatile personality made even more so by the onset of her "change of life." But are Edwina's hormonal fluctuations enough to make her homicidal? Exasperated but loyal, Charlie's sure the answer is no - yet out on a remote stretch of Utah desert, where the two women find themselves in the middle of warring film crews, such truths aren't as clear as they might be closer to civilization and such things as hot baths and working telephones.